For the ancient Greeks, the fertile valleys of the Agrigento area were of such beauty as to refer to Eden, heaven on earth. For this reason, in the sixth century BC, they founded Akragas, ancient Agrigento, among the most important Mediterranean cities of the time. To testify to such wealth, today only the Valley of the Temples remains, the most imposing Doric monumental complex together with the Parthenon in Athens. All around, instead, misery and abandonment are advancing. In this area, a country disappears every year. According to the latest Migrantes report, 156 thousand Agrigentines emigrated abroad. Almost half of those who stay, do not work or study. From the sulfur era, the bowels of the mines remained, useful for burying prohibited poisons. On the surface, with every gust of wind, disused industries and warehouses fill the air with asbestos dust. In Vallone, between Caltanissetta and Agrigento, the cancer register is 43% higher than the national average. Disseminated everywhere, the houses unfinished by their fathers tell the broken future of their children: those who can escape, those who do not escape die.